Tuesday, October 9, 2012

To Market, To Market

Cleveland's own West Side Market is celebrating it's 100th year and is celebrating in lots of fun ways. On Sunday we braved the 40 degree rainy weather to check out the Street Fair and it was well worth it.  The street was closed off and there were food vendors, music, and people out and about. Eventually the sun did come out and the rain stopped.

Oliver wasn't too sure at first why we took him from his warm carseat and out into this weather. But once the music started and snacks were passed out he was a happy guy.

We ran into JJ's cousin Heather and Oliver got to see a real live police car up close and check out the cool lights. Then we headed down to Campbell's to sample delicious popcorn and check out this West Side Market popcorn structure. Oliver may have eaten about a half bag of white cheddar popcorn himself...

We rocked out to the Colin Dussault's Blues Project and danced away the cold. Oliver loved this band. He was cheering for more between each song. 

And then there was a photo booth set up too. Oliver wore what can only be described as a pimp hat and I was a sailor.  I'm glad we got up and out of the house to celebrate a Cleveland landmark. 


  1. Love the photo booth pics! They are always so fun. What a great souvenir for your brave trip out into the dreary day!

  2. Such a great event. So sorry to not have joined in on the f u n!

  3. So cute! We were down there too...tucked away under an umbrella!
