Monday, March 11, 2013

Frozen Lake.

Saturday morning the sun was in full effect so we ditched our indoor plans for a more exciting adventure day! I remember going to Lake Erie in the winter with my mom and brother one day and seeing how awesome the giant frozen lake was. So we bundled up and headed on down. I'm about to share a bunch of photos as proof so bare with me!

The icy lake and the bright blue sky were so quiet and peaceful. The warm sun made our walk pleasant, we didn't really even need our hats on.

The park was filled with joggers, families, dogs, and even a few guys looking for treasures with metal detectors. We met up with my brother-in-law and his girlfriend and their two dogs that were super excited to take a quick dash around off leash. Their romp was a perfect example of how pent up we all felt!

It was just one of those awesome days that just made me happy! How was your weekend? I hope you have a Happy Monday!

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