Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Motherload.

Last week I talked a little bit about how awesome it is to share this motherhood adventure with my best friends. It is indeed a gift but none of this would be possible without the main Mamas, and I was lucky spend the weekend with two pretty fabulous ladies. This photo has become a tradition on Mother's Day and I hope to keep it rolling, third year in front of the JOY mural.

Thanks Mom for everything that you do for us. It's remarkable to me that in all those years before I was a mother myself that I was so oblivious to what it all means. You have instilled in me some pretty important life lessons and I wanted to thank you for that. On the top of that list is the importance of car dancing, take heed my friends, it is important. Make the sure the other cars see you and sing loudly. It makes the days better, trust me. I love you Mom and I love you Joan. 

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