Thursday, February 13, 2014

These Many Winter Days.

Yes, yes the winter has been cold, dark, and long but that doesn't mean you have to dread every day. Yesterday the sun was shining and the snow was glistening. We took a walk and O said "where did all this glitter come from?" It was so sweet and innocent and I cannot imagine crushing those thoughts and replacing them with ones that insist that winter sucks. That said, how do you pass the time? I'm not sure where I saw this idea but it turned out to be pretty fun.

Here's the scene...Spiderman is frozen in ice...and only bath time can save him! We raced upstairs to get
the tub running  and to answer the questions "how do we get him out and will it make the water too cold?"

Lucky for Spiderman the water was pretty warm and he was quickly released from his ice cage. Oliver thought it was pretty funny and it got him asking some impressive questions about ice. AND he was in the bath for a long time leading up to bedtime, which was great because at this point I was worn out. 

It was so much fun that I froze some of his sea creatures for next time. I was tempted to put in food coloring but thought better of having a bright blue kid. Have a fun day!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow Day Crafts

The day started off a little shaky. The mounds of snow determined to keep us indoors made me worry about what we'd do today. Through clenched teeth and spilled milk (literally everywhere), I scrubbed the stove top in protest of another day inside. It's winter, I thought to myself, get inspired. Deep breaths and a cup of coffee while O played trains and I had a simple idea. Let's make something kiddo. 

Our craft shelves are overflowing with things to do, I just have to actually do them. I have to come up with the ideas, this kid would happily just watch T.V. on a day like this but I didn't want to start that up.  We gathered up the X and O stamp, some nice craft paper, a glue stick, and scissors and made Valentine's Day cards together.

I helped with the cutting and the tape, and stopped my inner control freak from intervening beyond that. They look great and he was really proud of himself and listed off the names of friends and family that he'll be giving these to. Plus we easily spent a good hour on them.


"Don't worry, mama, the ink will wash away." It's tough sometimes to find an activity that we both want to do, I can only play train chase for so long before I'm bored…so  crafts are always a great alternative. Now I just need to stay motivated for the rest of winter. When't it over…April? Happy Friday!